Welcome to our discovery fellowship website! We are a group of men and women from virtually all religious denominations who each at a point of need have discovered the difference between the peace and joy Christ offers us and the struggle, frustration and defeat which characterizes religion. Jesus Christ came to do away with religion (man's effort to reach God) and offer in its place the gift of a personal parent/child relationship with God.
WE GAVE UP If you have come to realize the futility of trying to overcome moral failure regardless of how hard you try; if you are devastated by feelings of aloneness, guilt and shame; if you yearn for a life of meaning, purpose and significance; if you want to experience peace that passes understanding, and joy beyond measure, we encourage you to review and think about what you may find on our website.
FRIENDSHIP FOR FREE There is nothing to join, it costs you nothing. We simply extend to you our friendship. We tell you up-front that our focus it is not on religion, it is on the person of Jesus Christ. And He offers not religion, but a most intimate relationship with God – that of a parent to his or her child! That is the difference between cultural and authentic Christianity.
WE WERE SKEPTICAL You may be skeptical as well you should be. Unlike religions, including cultural Christianity, which require a mindless leap of faith in the dark, authentic Christianity is a step of faith into the light! You may be a devoutly religious person; you may be an atheist or an agnostic. Regardless what your present persuasion may be, search and probe more deeply. If what you believe is true, your confidence in your faith position will be strengthened. If what you believe is shaken by your investigation, it simply indicates that you may be placing your destiny in a lie.
DOES GOD EXIST? It is true that one cannot prove scientifically that there is a God. It is equally true that no one can prove scientifically that there is not a God. What ever you believe is a matter of faith – and to believe or not to believe is a choice. The issue is, are you willing to consider the evidence and reach your personal verdict? Are you curious? Have you thought about this? Have you examined the evidence in order to reach a rational conclusion for yourself or have you simply built your belief system on that of others.
DOES IT REALLY MATTER We offer you the same challenge that we ourselves accepted. Use the mind you were endowed with. Acknowledge your need. Face the shallowness of your life - regardless of how “successful” you appear to be to outsiders. Who could better tell you how to experience the fullness of life than the Designer of life – if such a Being exists?
IF GOD DOES EXIST, WHAT CAN I DO You can relax as you peruse this web site. None of us are “religious.” You will not be proselytized. One religion is as bad as another. Religion doesn’t work. Although it defines the problem of our separation from God, it offers no ultimate solution. It tells us the answer is for us to try our best. Jesus Christ recognized the problem of our self-centeredness (which is what sin is), but said that it was not just difficult for man to reach God on his own by trying, it was impossible! However the good news he proclaimed in contrast with that sad reality was that with God all things are possible!!
NOTHING.......GOD DOES IT ALL God really does love you. He really does have a marvelous plan for your life. He can heal you and give you a new “heart” (life). He wants to renew your mind with truth as opposed to the lies you have been taught. He wants to heal your emotions – taking away the guilt and shame that has plagued you and substituting His peace and joy. And it is all free! It is the gift He offers you.
IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU One does not have to pay for a gift – the price has been paid by the giver. One does not have to work for a gift – that would amount to it being earned and therefore not a gift. However there is one thing each of us must do individually - we must each receive (or reject) the gift. There is no other alternative. Indecision is also a decision – a negative decision. Christ offers you the gift of new life but he will not violate your free will. The choice is yours. We hope you will read on . . . . .
Those of you who have clearly understood the difference between what we refer to as “cultural Christianity” ( religion) and :”authentic Christianity” ( a personal parent-child relationship with God)
Our focus for you is, having been born spiritually, to serve you in encouraging, stimulating, and providing spiritual food from Scripture to assist in your spiritual growth from infancy to maturity in Christ.
The site has been arranged that you might go directly to a discussion of the relevant issues you have interest in.
The concepts Christ offers are radically different from those of cultural christianity. We will use pictorial models and diagrams to illustrate some of these differences. However, the sole authority which is the basis for what we believe is the Bible. Use any good literal word-for- word translation.
The fundamental question is Do you believe that God exists?
If you do believe God exists, why do you believe that? If you disbelieve the existence of God, why have you adopted that faith position?
If you believe God exists, what is your concept of God and why?
What makes Christ unique?
Is the issue of God’s existence relevant to my life? Why or why not?
Do I believe in the historicity of Jesus Christ or was he perhaps just a myth or a legend?
What makes Jesus Christ relevant to my life?
What do I want out of life?
What do I mean by the word “success”?
Do I have to abandon my mind and reasoning ability to embrace Jesus Christ?
What is my overview of philosophy of life?
What are the fundamental philosophical questions that underpin any person’s philosophy of life?
Why is it so critical to have a solid, rational philosophy of life grounded in objective truth (fact)?
Can the matters be resolved using scientific analysis?
What is meant by the “legal-historical” method of arriving at truth?
Is it equally rational or one more leap of faith in the dark?
God is supernatural; I am natural. God is transcendent, I am limited. I am temporal; God is eternal. I live in the dimension of time; God preexisted time. How can my finite mind investigate such matters?
How can I know what God is like? What are God’s attributes? Those who believe in God hold many different concepts of God. Who is right? What gives Christ superior credibility?
Investigation -> conclusion -> decision ->. Consequences
Where did I come from? Am I the product of time plus chance or am I the creation of a Designer? Do I believe in the theory of atheistic evolution or do I believe that the evidence point to an intelligent Design?
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